Today Charlotte Turns Sweet 16, We’re Showing The House All The Dang Time, Russ Still Needs A Big Ol’ Root Canal And Meemaw the Cocktail Weenie Dog Fell Down The Stairs (But She’s OK.)

That pretty much covers it around here. So what’s new with you guys?

Let’s see if I can flesh it out a little more… Well, all the birthday girl wanted for her big day was for the four of us to go up to the lakehouse and hang out together for a couple of days, so that’s the plan. She also requested a ‘steak cake’ instead of a birthday cake (she’s my little carnivore), so I am heading to the grocery store to see if I can find some candles that will withstand being pushed down into a big slab of steak so she can blow them out. I love this kid. Here she is at her Cracker Barrel birthday breakfast this morning:


Hmm, what else…  Memaw survived her fall down the stairs with little or no discernible damage, though I think it probably took a couple of years off of my life. I was gazing out of the kitchen window just in time to see her take a slight misstep and disappear down the staircase of the deck.  She was standing parallel with the stairs at the time, so she didn’t do one of those…let’s see, what’s that charming expression they use in England? Oh yes– ‘ass over teakettle.’ Yeah, she didn’t do that. It was more of a blind-as-a-bat-sidestep-off-the-deck-four-paws-up-inthe-air-fall-down-three-steps kind of deal.

THESE stairs: *cue scary music*


I can’t believe she didn’t at least break a hip! She was a little staggerier than usual afterwards, and even though she always walks like everything hurts, it was a little more pronounced after the Great Deck Stairs Fall of 2012. Honestly, I SCREAMED like a little girl when I saw her disappear. But, it appears all is well, thank God. (Literally. I did. There may or may not have been some Hallelujah Hanky-Waving involved.)

Here she is doing one of her favorite aerobic activities, dozing off in the sun right next to my computer power cable:


(Betcha you didn’t even know that EARS could have liver spots, did you?)

Well, that’s it for now.

Stay tuned, got a product review coming up in the next couple of days with a sweepstakes you can enter, too!

7 Responses

  1. Carole Turner

    Steak Birthday Cake!! Yes!

  2. DonnaMariePatterson

    Hi Tori! It’s good to hear from you. I’m sure Memaw still counts it all joy to be a part of the Taff household, even if she does take a few tumbles now & then. I just can’t help but laugh at those pictures …. bless her heart. Now Charlotte … what a beautiful young lady! And a daughter that wants to spend a few days at the lake house with her family is a miracle and a blessing from God! Ya’ll have fun! Happy Birthday Char!

  3. LindaB

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHARLOTTE!!! I love your idea of a steak cake! Low sugar, and a little cholesterol. Okay, a lot of cholesterol, but you’re young. And if yours isn’t cooked enough for ya, just let the candles burn a little longer before you blow them out!

    So…….when are you taking driver’s training?

    That poor little pooch! Do you have the vet on speed dial, Tori? And just thinking of you having a “hanky waving, hallelujah” spell makes me LOL! I’d pay real money to see that!!!

  4. itsvikki2u

    Charlotte is BEAUTIFUL!! Are her and Madi’s personality a lot alike? She is just beautiful. Want to give a big SHOUT OUT

  5. itsvikki2u

    oops… let me continue here… a big SHOUT OUT to Charlotte…HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  6. jonny

    First off, REALLY good hearing from you again !! Also, birthday greetings to the sweet 16 from Helsinki, Finland !! And yes, old dogs do bounce back from time to time.

    What have I been doing lately ?? Glad you asked. Made a short film entitled Rock Star. Should be around 10 minutes when finished. Co-wrote the treatment, co-directed and I’m the ‘Rock Star’ in it. We’ve already previewed a seven minute version on the big screen to over a hundred people and left quite a few in tears at the end. It was great getting all the feed-back afterwards as well before we go in for the final edit. Most helpful.

    After we shot it, and on our way to the other director’s home, the DP and myself heard an extremely sharp, and super fast, sound like some extremely tiny person sending a telegram. It was a mother bat tapping her upper teeth on the pavement !! She seem to be protecting a rather large baby, large for a bat baby, she had nursing under her wing. One, had never seen a bat so up close and personal before, and two learned lots about bats and their young on the net afterwards.

    Anyway, hope the two days away with the family does everyone even more good = )

  7. Barbara M. Lloyd

    Wished our sweet Charlotte a Happy 16th Birthday on FaceBook. It
    s so hard to believe she is that old….already….but I’m not surprised at how pretty she is. Those Taff girls grow up “good.”

    Bless his sweet heart, when Russ has his root canal done I want you to give him the same loving care as you give Mepaw falling from the deck.

    Keep those prospective house-buyers coming! Bake some bread or cookies and have the house smelling yummy and cozy. I want you baking those special Christmas cookies in your new home this year.

    I hope Memaw doesn’t give you the silent treatment for a few days after taking her picture before she could check her hair…I mean, how would you like to have your picture published with one of your ears turned inside out, for goodness sake?

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