Something cute to watch on a rainy Sunday…

6 Responses

  1. Barbara M. Lloyd

    Oh I love this….absolutely love it! I hope your country hojme is right next door to this wonderful duet….what a treasure!

  2. Gramma Jac


  3. MostlySunny

    Agree with Momma Lloyd…but that dog wore me out; I wish I had it’s energy!

  4. Busymom

    My evening was going swimmingly until I found myself an hour later still watching videos of horses playing.

  5. carsmith

    This was not this dog or horses’ first rodeo. Loved how the dog knew to run under the fence and tease the horse. OK, first purchase when the deal on the new place goes through…buy this horse and dog and you can get rid of tv’s and any other entertainment. Too cute.

  6. delightedabroad

    That was just what I needed today – something uplifting! Well, to be honest, it also caused a slight inconvenience: I have cystitis/bladder infection (whatever is the correct expression) and laughing is not… uhh… as simple as usual :-/

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