Radio Interview Today! *Updated*

Ok, this morning at about 10:30 I will be doing an interview with Debbie Alan of “On The Home Stretch”, a great internet radio show that you can find here: 

It’s a call-in show, and here’s the number: 877-474-3302.

Good show, good host, GOOD LORD don’t leave me hanging! If nobody calls, I’ll panic and start making stuff up to talk about and none of us wants that, do we???? “Um, yeah Debbie, did I mention that my husband Russ is the illegitimate son of Bill Gaither? No? Oh, well, here’s the story…”

Save me from myself, people.


***UPDATE: Had so much fun, Debbie is cute as a bunny.

The, um, call-in portion..? Yeah. Didn’t happen! I guess the email they sent me with all that call-in info was maybe a standard one they send to every guest and didn’t necessarily apply to my segment– either that, or they decided on the spot that they better not let me loose with open phone lines! So if any of you were poised and ready to call (Hello? Anybody?), I apologize all over the place.

They said they want me back, so I’ll let you know if that happens– only this time I promise I’ll make sure I’m a little clearer on exactly what the heck I’ll be doing! (At any rate, I didn’t burp or swear or fall asleep on the air, so, SCORE!)

3 Responses

  1. BrownEyedGirl

    AWW.. I missed it. I saw this two hours too late….. I hope alot of people called for you !! Maybe the show will show up in the archives.

    Take care,


  2. belinda

    I hope it went well. I could not call in due to being at work but thought about you. Will watch for an update. You go girl!

  3. auburn60

    I was ready to call…where did you go?

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