Archive for March, 2014

Wordless Wednesday. More or Less.

So, yesterday? I’m minding my own business and all of a sudden it starts snowing. 

A LOT. (The day before, it was 70 degrees and sunny.) 1snow Even Porch Cat was nonplussed. 1cattable My Meyer lemon tree is budding AND it’s snowing. What’s wrong with this picture? 1snowblossoms Then about 15 minutes later, I look out the kitchen window and it had completely disappeared– what the hey? 1window By the way, that little windowsill tableau has Deep Spiritual Significance– OK, not really, but it does have some meaning for me. On one side there’s the finger-pointing Bible guy, and on the other side there’s a bird being let out of a cage.  Just a little daily reminder that love and grace are liberating.

“Choose this day whom you will serve.” 1preacher 1birdflower Phoebe is ridiculously photogenic. She’s like the Kate Moss of Pomeranians. 1photogenicphoebs I picked these at an old abandoned house down the street. At one point in time someone sure put a lot of care and effort into that yard– there were so many amazing different kinds of daffodils, some of the prettiest I’ve ever seen. Aren’t they gorgeous?


My girlies.


“Wordless” Wednesday: Daffodil Day in Bell Buckle

Last Saturday was officially Daffodil Day here in the Buckle– yet another excuse for the town to have a party and invite people to come fall in love with us!

I was a volunteer, though I had no idea what I was doing since this was my very first DD, but I was more than willing to suit up and show up, which is how we do things around here.

It was so much fun! The loooong winter delayed a lot of the town’s usual bursting array of daffodils that are planted all around the square, but we still had a respectable amount of colorful blooms to put you in the mood. Bell Buckle is also the United States smallest officially designated “Tree City,” so in honor of that the Arbor Day Foundation set up a table and gave away tree seedlings– Native Pecan, Black Cherry and Chickasaw Plum. I helped out at the Banquet Hall, which is where the daffodil judging took place.

By the way, daffodil judges take their job very seriously. Making jokes about stealing flowers out of other people’s yards do not really crack them up. Or at least that’s what I heard.

This concludes the “wordless” part of this post– on to the photos!












1DDpug RC

**All photos courtesy of and Bell Buckle Chamber of Commerce.

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