Archive for July, 2013

Guest Post From Anne Lamott– (OK, She’s Completely Unaware Of It, But Still.)

Hello, my beloved readers.

Wow– have you all lost weight, you look AMAZING!!!

*bats eyelashes fetchingly*

OK, I am finally home from Seattle and I’m still not unpacked (could you at least have the good manners to PRETEND to be shocked by that?) and also I am blazing away towards a writing deadline (involving LORETTA-freakin’-LYNN, hey now!) and also I am kinda too frazzled to try to put together a real post. But I am feeling crazy guilty for neglecting my ‘Bloomr Nation for such an unconscionable amount of time, so I’m pretending that Anne Lamott, one of my favorite writers in the world, actually agreed to pinch hit for me, when in reality I just totally read this on her Facebook page and decided to reprint it here for you– because as usual, she says exactly what I am thinking sometimes way better than I can express it.

So, please accept this wonderful piece as a ‘piece offering’ (see how I did that?), and I will crank out one of my own posts ASAP once I have finished my deadlines.

However, chances are, the suitcases will still not be unpacked by then.

Please click on this link for Ann Lamott’s post:

By Anne Lamott:

Wordless Wednesday (Because Captions Don’t Really Count as Words, Right?)

**Here’s the annual “Bring all the artists’ families on stage” moment from Family Fest.

**Bill sure makes Madi laugh. Gloria? Not so much.

** Faroe Islands meets Bell Buckle: Jakup and Herborg Zachariassen enjoying desserts from the Bell Buckle Cafe. It’s like a foreign exchange program, only with oatmeal cake and sweet tea.

**Moon Pie Queen and RC Cola King knighting the winners of the games. Who in the world thought it was a good idea to give me a foam sword? (To all of the winners I over-enthusiastically bonked all about their head and shoulders– I humbly apologize. But you’ll have to give me a pass on that whole “LUUUUKE, I AM YOUR FAAATHER” impression I kept repeatedly cracking myself up with. Because that was funny, ya’ll.)

**Some of my favorite ladies from the Women of Homecoming taping a few weeks ago: Tanya Goodman Sykes, Cynthia Clawson, Evie Tornquist Karlsson, and Kelly Nelon Clark.

**Charlotte figured out a way to cut onions without crying. Child is a genius. Also? A swimmer.

**Just recently found out my sweet bloggy friend Jamie of Blonde Mom Blog and I make an appearance in a Wii U promotional video, which made me laugh for about 5 minutes straight– nothing says marketing like two middle-aged women in a dance-off! (We had a ball– and the Wii U ROCKS!)

**Russ reading the girls’ homemade card on Father’s Day. And yes, his presents were in an old Victoria’s Secret bag– he’s secure in his manhood and we are cheap.

**(Here’s part of what they put on his card, bless ‘em:)

**And finally, here is my newly-turned 21 year old Madi Rose and I honky-tonkin’ on her birthday with her best friend Allyson at Robert’s Western World! (Kinda– I mean, she was with her MOM, how much honkying or tonkying could she realistically do?) It was a thrilling night– she got to use her ID and actually drink a beer AND no one called Child Protective Services on me because she looks like she’s 14. 

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