Wordless Wednesday: They Always Hold Hands

11 Responses

  1. LindaB

    Apparently, the “generation gap” has passed your family by! Good! This is the sweetest picture! And it will grow even more precious in the coming years.

  2. tori

    LindaB: It just KILLS me, in the best possible way…

  3. Cynthia

    My first thought when I saw them was; “Where two or more are gathered, there am I in the midst of them” For this you need no words; they are both wrapped in the Lord’s love, and even though it is only two snaps; you can sense the Spirit, and the love they share. Simply precious.

  4. bettyrwoodward

    Absolutely lovely. My Mum is 90 on Saturday and my mother-in-law 91 on the same day.

  5. jonny

    Well, after the Pulling Over entry, and now this, I wonder if anyone else is seriously missing a grandmother or two; or maybe even three !!

  6. LindaB

    And someday, sooner than you think, Maddie or Char will have a picture on her very successful blog of YOU holding hands with HER daughter…….only probably admiring a pair of high fashion shoes.

  7. tori

    Cynthia: What a beautiful thought! And I totally agree with you.

    bettywoodward: Happy birthday to your mum and mum-in-law!

    small-j: Yeah, apparently it’s Great Old Broads week at the ‘Bloomr!

    LindaB: Of course, since I had my kids so late, and (thankfully) neither one of them appear to be bringing me any grandchildren in the near future, I may be so old and in my dotage that when they DO come and visit me, I might be wearing those high fashion shoes on my ears, or something! I do hope they will have the decency to act like that’s completely normal.

  8. Barbara M. Lloyd

    In recognition of it being “wordless” Wednesday, I will try to keep it short: PRECIOUS

  9. chillybean

    I love this post. But it got me thinking. You know what would make this post even better?

    If it were a video of them singing Ma-Na-Ma-Nah….

  10. tori

    chillybean: OK, I am SO gonna make that happen! Maybe we could round up a whole choir in the Fox Ridge lobby!

  11. DonnaMariePatterson


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