Archive for July, 2012

Today Charlotte Turns Sweet 16, We’re Showing The House All The Dang Time, Russ Still Needs A Big Ol’ Root Canal And Meemaw the Cocktail Weenie Dog Fell Down The Stairs (But She’s OK.)

That pretty much covers it around here. So what’s new with you guys?

Let’s see if I can flesh it out a little more… Well, all the birthday girl wanted for her big day was for the four of us to go up to the lakehouse and hang out together for a couple of days, so that’s the plan. She also requested a ‘steak cake’ instead of a birthday cake (she’s my little carnivore), so I am heading to the grocery store to see if I can find some candles that will withstand being pushed down into a big slab of steak so she can blow them out. I love this kid. Here she is at her Cracker Barrel birthday breakfast this morning:


Hmm, what else…  Memaw survived her fall down the stairs with little or no discernible damage, though I think it probably took a couple of years off of my life. I was gazing out of the kitchen window just in time to see her take a slight misstep and disappear down the staircase of the deck.  She was standing parallel with the stairs at the time, so she didn’t do one of those…let’s see, what’s that charming expression they use in England? Oh yes– ‘ass over teakettle.’ Yeah, she didn’t do that. It was more of a blind-as-a-bat-sidestep-off-the-deck-four-paws-up-inthe-air-fall-down-three-steps kind of deal.

THESE stairs: *cue scary music*


I can’t believe she didn’t at least break a hip! She was a little staggerier than usual afterwards, and even though she always walks like everything hurts, it was a little more pronounced after the Great Deck Stairs Fall of 2012. Honestly, I SCREAMED like a little girl when I saw her disappear. But, it appears all is well, thank God. (Literally. I did. There may or may not have been some Hallelujah Hanky-Waving involved.)

Here she is doing one of her favorite aerobic activities, dozing off in the sun right next to my computer power cable:


(Betcha you didn’t even know that EARS could have liver spots, did you?)

Well, that’s it for now.

Stay tuned, got a product review coming up in the next couple of days with a sweepstakes you can enter, too!

Photo Friday

Here are some more shots from our visit to Alexandria…

** A lovely outdoor supper


**Bill sets the table


**Caprese salad


** She makes it look so easy.


**Homemade rhubarb/strawberry pie!


** Our sweet, sweet girls… (Char’s still getting the hang of her side-swept bangs.)


**Closeup of one of Bill’s trees– he has lovingly planted dozens and dozens of them over the years. This is a gorgeous Norwegian spruce.


**Garden path


**The swans are so graceful in the water… Out of the water? Not so much.


**Char faces off with a swan who is ‘protecting’ her babies.


**Madi returns from a midnight walk around the pond with a swan feather headdress.


**And finally, a beautiful grape arbor walkway– (I want one of these in Bell Buckle!)

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