Slightly-Less-Words-Than-Usual Wednesday

(Pssst– wanna buy a house?)

Putting it on the market this week– pray, saints!

Alllllllll this can be yours…

5 Responses

  1. kidpyramid

    Beautiful! Too bad it’s so far away from where I want to live.

  2. Gramma Jac

    Prayin’!!!! So can we then assume that you’re buying the one you looked at a week or so ago? (Or wanting to buy,…)Just let us know when to show up in the UHaul!

  3. bettyrwoodward

    It looks so lovely I’m sure it will sell quickly

  4. jonny

    Only if the wolves, or was it coyotes, come with it = )

  5. Barbara M. Lloyd

    It’s lovely, but where are the varities of beautiful flowers usually seen all over your deck?

    I’m praying for your present home to sell and for you to be in your new “dream” home before the holidays. I just hope it’s truly your “dream” house and you aren’t simply settling for something in order to move out in the country so this house comes as close as you can find (right now) to the other “dream” house. I’m anxious to hear some excitement about the new house ….and to see lots of pictures, maybe with you drooling in a couple of them.

    My heart is beating happy musical notes for my little Taff family.

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