Wordless Wednesday: Surprise Visit for Mom (She cracked him up!)

5 Responses

  1. Barbara M. Lloyd

    Bless his sweet heart…..and her daughter, Tori, didn’t fall far from the tree.

    Now I belong to Twitter….or am a member…or whatever it is I’m supposed to say that means one time a long time ago I joined. But that doesn’t mean I know what I am doing when I get there. For example, I wanted to congratulate my young-in and give her a great big hug for excelling at school….so I labored for a long time trying to get the message to sweet Madi Rose. Before I have a nervous breakdown, would you please deliver this love note to her? This does not surprise me one little bit! Thank you….send me a bill for the postage, please.

  2. carsmith

    Wouldn’t it be a hoot for your Mom to guest on the Homecoming Radio Show. She would crack up everyone. So glad she still has good conversations. My 92 yr old aunt doesn’t say much & sure couldn’t make Mark Lowrey laugh. Just a thought…….

  3. carsmith

    Whoops, Mark Lowry. This laptop makes mistakes, sure glad I don’t.

  4. Gramma Jac

    Sweet tea, cookies, laughter with friends,…doesn’t get any better!

  5. bettyrwoodward

    Glad she (and he) can still laugh.

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