Take just a minute to watch this–then you can return to your regularly scheduled Saturday

Remember when I showed you guys this fabulous treadmill video by OK Go?

And then there was that Rube Goldberg-inspired one that we all loved…

Well, just to put a Saturday smile on your face, here’s another one– have a great weekend!

7 Responses

  1. rachelbaker

    Must be interesting to have a mind that conjures up such images, but great to also have the ability to make them real. Unique entertainment!

  2. Barbara M. Lloyd

    I don’t know where you find these….but I thoroughly enjoyed it!!!

  3. MostlySunny

    That was fun! I was initially concentrating on the guy with the accordian, then the guys who looked like cavemen surprised me. Who needs a football field when you have scenery like that?

  4. delightedabroad

    Had to go to youtube to be able to watch this…what a special marching band!!! :-) Thanks for making me laugh!

  5. LindaB

    Well, that was cool!

    Now, what are we gonna do? Got anymore stuff, Tori?


    I couldn’t get it to come up @ the school’s computer. Will try again later from the library computer. :) Love you guys! Any progress on the meet-n-greet?????

    Looks like we are supposed to get 2 really big storms this weekend! I get one EVERY weekend…..her name is CARSON! :)

  7. rickyworley

    I’m going to see OK Go in Nov! :)

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