Just how much fun IS a family allowed to have, anyway? Because we may be over the legal limit…

This is the first time I have been online since we left the good ol’ US of A, so picture me in a long passionate embrace with my laptop and you’ll have an idea of just how happy I am to be typing to you again! ( BTW, I am saving a description of FINALLY getting to meet Stuart and Betty Woodward and promptly falling in love with both of them on the spot until I have more time– pictures will follow!)

So, now we are in the Faroe Islands which are apparently some of God’s best work– seriously, it is jaw-droppingly beautiful everywhere you look. Charlotte had barely exited the airplane and she was already making plans to move here “the year before I go to college.” (And I’m kinda hoping she does!) We are being treated like family/royalty by Russ’ good friend Jakup, his beautiful wife Sanna and their three kids. I am trying my best to keep this short, so I’ll restrain myself from going into paroxysms of rapture about how incredible everything has been. Here’s just a sample: Yesterday? We had tea with the Minister of Finance (I KNOW!), a wonderful lunch after we walked around the quaintly gorgeous capital city (village) of Torshavn, then an unforgettable boat ride all around the coastline where I actually saw PUFFINS and also lost my little plastic helmet when it flew right off my head during a big wave and THEN… a massage in the afternoon!!!  Come on. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Tonight Russ is playing at a huge festival here, called the G! Festival– check it out. We are getting ready to head there in about 5 minutes, so I am going to end this by trying to quickly post a photo– more soon!

Love you guys.

**I wasn’t kidding, was I?

10 Responses

  1. jonny

    I believe we all love you, too = ) Thanks so much for the update!!

  2. rachelbaker

    We certainly do Jonny :). May the fun continue and continue and continue!

  3. Pearl

    I believe that the legal limit is waived for families who are fulfilling a long awaited dream trip. So don’t hold back, enjoy every moment to the fullest! Plus, you know that you’re also enjoying this trip vicariously for all of us, right?

  4. themema

    Oh, Tori, what Pearl said is soooo true. I know I will never see the Islands, so I am counting on you and your pictures to do this for me.

    LOVe you all.

  5. LindaB

    And Tori, if there was a law against envy, I’d be on death row…..and on my last appeal to the governor! You are visiting some GORGEOUS places!!! That picture of the Faroe Islands is now my screen saver! Thanks for that!

    Are you ready to come home now? We like you to be in the same country as us!

  6. bettyrwoodward

    Hope the concerts are going well beside the sightseeing and fun! Enjoy every minute of the trip.


    Well, those guys pretty much said it all! This much is for sure – ya’ll are still in my prayers, & I am rejoicing w/ you in spirit!
    It will be a great memory for the girls, too! Carry on! Send more pics! I am not jealous enough, yet!

  8. jd2008

    I just finished watching “Cactus Flower” that movie with Ingrid Bergman, Goldie Hawn, and Walter Matthau. Watching Goldie Hawn reminds me of Laugh-In. I love that show.

  9. Leisa Hammett

    Tori, you lead such a wonderful, full and beautiful life. (No envy…well, except that I could stand being packed in ur suitcase for this trip.) Happy for you!! U are so beautiful and too cool. The 2nd photo of Russ & DD in the next post: Priceless. Ha! I’d forgotten you were going here and funny I thought u might miss out on BlogHer so I sent you an invitation to MargaritHer last Saturday. Hugs!

  10. belinda

    Being over the limit in having family fun is absolutely acceptable! Glad you are having such a wonderful time. Keep those updates and pictures coming. (Finally found my password, someday I am going to remember it?? NOT :)

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