Grand Cayman

OK, here’s the body count:

Me? Still obnoxiously happy, HOWEVER it is tempered slightly by the fact that…

Madi? Has bronchitis.

Like, officially. We went to the ship’s doctor and everything. She has a cough that sounds like she has been smoking non-filtered Camels for about 20 years, a fever of 100.8, chills and a headache. She sat in the clinic, (located in the bowels of the ship and manned by the same doctor that was on the ship when Anthony died– he is an amazing man, and now the Inspiration Cruise people request him specifically for every cruise they do) and every time she did one of those gut-wrenching, ship-rattling coughs she ended it by saying quickly, “I’m OK!”– this is not a kid that wants to miss anything. But alas, she had to sit Grand Cayman out. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and cough medicine, and she slept from 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. yesterday, bless her sweet phlegm-y heart. She is better today, but guess who has a scratchy throat AND a cough now? Charlotte. (And Russ, but he is still in denial.) Thanks to God and Zumba, apparently my immune system is still holding strong, though I realize I may eat those words later. For now though, I am managing to casually slip the fact that this is now the THIRD round of sickness I have NOT succumbed to into every conversation. My happiness is now not the only obnoxious thing about me…

So anyway, I found out the week before we left that our dear Nashville friends Carlana and Aubrey who happen to have a condo in Grand Cayman were actually going to be there when we were- what are the odds of that? When the ship docked, Russ, Charlotte, Sue Buchanan, Bill, Gloria and I  grabbed a cab and headed for their condo. It was so much fun to be back– twelve years ago, on our 20th anniversary, Carlana and Aubrey generously offered us their place and we took 3 month old Charlotte and 4 year old Madi there for a week. We have a darling photo we took on that trip of Madi gingerly balancing baby Char in her lap on the beach. We used it as our Christmas card picture that year. I was hoping to recreate that picture, however A) Madi was still on the ship sleeping away and B) She had already informed me that there was no way in the world she was going to hold Char in her lap, so it was kind of a moot point. I did get these pictures, though:

**Here they are sitting around the condo pool, drinking iced tea and telling stories.

**Russ is always so very happy to have his picture taken. (Good thing we can’t read his thought bubble.)

**While they solved the world’s problems, Char and I headed off to walk the beach and play in the tide pools.

**My budding marine biologist.

**Lots of neat things to look at and dig around in.

**Eating lunch at The Lobster Pot restaurant.

Still working on getting a picture of Russ and I together– not that easy since, you know, he LOVES having his photo taken and all. But here are a few solo shots of the happy Taffs:

More later– I have a bunch of pictures of the Big Honkin’ Midnight Dessert Buffet!

11 Responses

  1. auburn60

    Excellent picture of you! You look like you are about to impart some wisdom or something.

    Maybe Madi would agree to a side-by-side shot with Charlotte when she feels better. Or back-to-back?

    We’re fighting those same germs here. And it’s raining,with the chance of SNOW on Sunday!

  2. LOpitz

    I just cracked up at the thought of Char sitting in Madi’s lap. I know Sarah would’ve killed me if I wouldve tried doing that when she was 16, however I know I would have, just to embarrass her. Gosh the pics are beautiful, wish w were there!! Any upcoming trips to Arkansas??

  3. Phyllis S

    Oh Wow!

    What beautiful pictures and scenery. Really enjoyed the group pic and esp. the one of RT, (actually, I am glad we could not read his mind).

    Hope Madi is feeling better and Char looks as though she is having a grand time in the Grand Cayman”s (I wish I could squat like that again and get up!).

    Enjoy the remainder of your trip.

  4. gracelynn

    So sorry that Madi is sick. I can sympathize. I get bronchitis twice a year – March and October. My body can already tell it is almost March because I was coughing myself last night.

    The pictures are excellent. That picture of you is INCREDIBLE Tori! I wish my pics came out that well. And I love the ones of Russ too. Madi has that same look I used to give my mom every time she tried to take a picture of me at that age LOL. That “take that picture and I’ll kill you” look ROTFL. And I can just imagine what would have happened if Char tried to actually sit on Madi’s lap now LOL.

  5. jd2008

    In the picture of you and charlotte, at the lobster pot restaurant, Charlotte looks oh, i don’t know. 19 years old. I miss charlotte. but things have been going good and im glad charlotte will be coming back yonder.

    anyway, bye.

  6. rockin robyn

    Working all day (through the week) and hurrying to come home and see the latest pics and hear about the Taff’s adventures on the cruise… Well you just made me feel like I was right there with you all. Thanks for all the pics. You’re supposed to be enjoying yourself but you didn’t forget about us. You’re awesome Tori.

    “Madi” **[she raises a stern instuctional pointer finger] “no more sleeping outside. All that salt air dried out your bronchials – next year take an air mattress if you won’t share the bed with your sister”

  7. belinda

    Sorry Madi is sick, will keep her in our prayers. That is the pitts to get sick on a trip like that. Hope she is feeling a lot better fast.

    Those pictures are incredible. Girl, you are so photogenic, that last picture of you is great! You could be a model there. You look obnoxioulsy happy.

    Love the pictures of the girls – Madi looks like she is all dressed up for a night on the ship or a hot date? She is gorgeous and looks like she is ready to have some fun.

    Char looks all grown up and so very pretty. Love the one of the two of you at the Lobster Pot Restraunt. Bringing any extra lobster back?

    I bet that was some interesting conversation aroung that pool. The Russ pictures is great, he really loves his picture taken doesn’t he? We are still waiting for the picture of the two of you. Hey it can happen right? Good luck! Tell him all your readers and his fans want to see some of the two of you or better yet, tell him Momma Llod would like a couple of pictures of you two on your cruise. That should work. He would surely do it for her?

    Hey, just tell Bill to extend the cruise for a couple more weeks – as he would say, “Why Not”. Enjoy and thanks for sharing with us.

  8. carsmith

    Ok Tori,
    I know its a cruise with many “artists”. Come on, you can tell me the truth, our secret. You took your own makeup artist with you didn’t you. You gals look like models. Hope Madi is doing better and able to enjoy the trip. Don’t worry about us while you are basking in the sun. We have been watching light snowflakes flying through the cold air today.

  9. themema

    Surrounded by his three beautiful girls, Russ is NOT the main attraction. WOW.

    So glad it was a good trip. Wish you had another week!

  10. Barbara M. Lloyd

    Gracious, what has happened? My Russ used to have a wife and two daughters. Now, it appears, he is hanging out with a sexy, blonde broad…and the daughters have suddenly grown up into beautiful models. Looks as if Madi weathered the bronchitis in time to enjoy her cruise vacation. Must have been the spoonful of medicine and the cup full of prayer. By now, you are back home safe and sound. I like that part, too.

  11. morgitta

    Thanks for sharing such an abondance of pics. Charlotte looks so fragile sometimes, don’t you want to protect her all the time ? That towel art in your previous post is something I want to try out. I think I could mannage the fish. Did you dissect the elephant to see how they do it ?
    When I was a kid, people actually went to the seaside to recover from bronchitis, not to get it. I blame it all on Woodstock.

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