Scene of the crime

Here’s a shot of Madi Rose that her dad took last weekend, back at Cherry Grove Beach. No further shark incidents to report, THANK GOD.

Ah, youth!

15 Responses

  1. LindaB

    That’s a brave girl!

    I was looking at that ocean last weekend and, remembering Madi’s shark incident, thought there is NO WAY I’d step out in that water. Any sharks happening by would think, “Look at that— an all-you-can-eat buffet!”

    Well, that, and the fact that I can’t SWIM! And the water’s cold. And I tend toward dry skin.

    But I admire Madi for getting back in the swim! You go, Girl!

  2. Phyllis S


    Youth is so resilient. I had a great visit with Madi at MB and what a wonderful young lady you and Russ have raised (what else should I expect).

    I can tell you that I did not get in the water, way to cold and if I had been in the water with Madie, she would have yelled “Whale not a shark”.

    Love, Prayers and Smiles

  3. rcbeth

    Now, Phyllis, you might not have gotten in the water, but didn’t the water get ON?!!? You have to keep your eyes on those waves at all times!

    Madi certainly is a brave young lady…no way I’d be stepping back in the same area like her!

  4. belinda

    Way to go Madi! I think that was a brave and smart thing to do. She is such a sweetheart!

  5. Phyllis S

    Now Beth, I was not going to tell anyone that I could not out run the wave and Lynette thought that was the funniest thing she had seen, just doubled over laughing. (rol)

  6. rockin robyn

    Wow! Speaking from a photographers point of view, what a priceless photo! I’m all about the deepest inner feelings and just curious – my lord – “Madi” did you even have the slightest trepidation when she entered the water… and “Dad” any anxieties as he watches her enter the water! Truly a special special moment I’m sure and what a special young lady!

    I’m such a wus. I never would have thought about going near the water again… I twisted my ankle and fell in the post-office parking lot and didn’t go near that place for days afterward!!! True story… As if something was there that I didn’t want to encounter again. LOL As if?!?!

  7. gracelynn

    Go Madi! What a brave girl. I enjoyed seeing her and Russ last weekend and talking to Madi.

    Linda, the water wasn’t that cold dear. Wanda, Lillian and I went out and we waded some and it actually felt good to me. Then again, I’m hot natured too so that might make a difference.

    And if the shark bit me, he’d probably choke to death LOL.

  8. Barbara M. Lloyd

    Gracious, and here I was worried that the shark attack would be a turn off for a “repeat” summer vacation. She had assured me it would not….but I didn’t expect the return to be quite so swift. I would have told her the water now would be too cold. What do I know? This young girl has brains, beauty….and courage. I’m so proud of her!

  9. BrownEyedGirl

    I admire her courage. I’m glad this stroll in the ocean was uneventful.


  10. themema

    Another special moment between father and daughter.

    As for Madi. Anyone who can hang upside down in silks can overcome the fear of a shark attack! You go, girl.

  11. rcbeth

    “…hang upside down in silks”? You lost me, Betty, but that’s not so hard to do, especially when I have Momma Lloyd reading the roadmap for me!

  12. auburn60

    Makes Madi sound like a spider…

  13. themema

    Ok, maybe I said it wrong. Help me out Tori, with the pix again.

  14. auburn60

    You said it right!

  15. tori

    Yep, you were right! They call it ‘aerial silks’– think Cirque de Soleil…

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