And I don’t even like squirrels.

AGAIN with the cute animal videos, Tori??
(Yes. And shut it. This is a good one!)

So… leave me a comment after the video and tell me what big wall you’re trying to climb this week.

5 Responses

  1. jonny

    Health stuff. Cool little video, thanks for sharing = )

  2. Phyllis S

    We all need help in our lives and sometimes it comes from the most unexpected source.

    Love it!
    Thanks Tori

  3. Barbara M. Lloyd

    I like your message, sweet Phyllis. I don’t like to see anything struggle. Even when my baseball team wins, I don’t like to see the faces of the team who lost…I always feel so sorry for them. How did I ever get from squrrels to baseball? It ain’t easy being green.

  4. delightedabroad

    It certainly is a cute video – if only I could watch it! It’s not approved in Germany… :-(

  5. Cynthia

    Where in the world do you find all the animal video’s? I love to watch squirrels; some of the Lord’s most precious creations.

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