3DS For Dummies– Part 1


This review is for all of the readers who know everything there is to know about Nintendo AND for the ones who know jack squat. Since some of you may not be familiar with the original DS, here’s a little back story. For starters, the original DS was created with two screens and was made for the use of both DS and Gameboy Advance (the portable game system used before the DS) games. The DS games were small gray or black cards and could make graphics, sound, and overall game play better than the Gameboy Advance. One of the two screens of the DS was a touch screen that would be used differently depending on the game being played. The system was a great success as a portable system and was recreated by Nintendo as the DSi and the DS XL. The DSi had a brighter screen and a few more applications more than the original DS; and the DS XL was also an advanced DS, but only larger than the original.

When I first heard about the upcoming 3DS I had my suspicions. While the DSi and DS XL were created better, it didn’t sway me to buy one because my original DS was working just fine. To me, the 3DS just sounded like a hoax to get me to buy a new DS. Yet, when my mother told me she was going to Nintendo Headquarters of America to see the 3DS since she was a brand ambassador, I almost fainted at the fact that she was going to Nintendo Headquarters and didn’t think about the 3DS at all. (I’m a hardcore Nintendo fan to be honest with you.) While she left to go to the Headquarters, I finally realized that she was going to see the brand new DS system and I started to think about it thoroughly. Should I give it a chance? Will it have good games? What does it have that the others don’t? Just try me, Nintendo– show me what you got this time!

Once mom got home she showed me that she had gotten the 3DS system from the people of Nintendo of America. I had a little temptation to play the system immediately but I was too busy pestering her about everything she saw at Nintendo of America and what she did. Once all of my commotion died down and it was just me and the system, I was more curious than ever as to what the 3DS had to offer. When I turned it on and played around with it for a few seconds, I was overcome with amazement.

The 3DS works just like the original DS only it’s astoundingly better. The sound was enhanced. A lot of the graphics were more 3 dimensional like the Wii than being just flat and pixilated. It had a built in joystick that was compatible with DS games along with 3DS games. The console’s design was more flat and convenient to put in places like bags and pockets, unlike the original bulky design. And best of all, it had the ability to be viewed in 3D without glasses. While the DSi may have been more advanced than the original DS, the 3DS blew all of the competition away because of its advanced enhancement of technology and its 3D feature.

I’ve had the system for a few months now and I’m still taken by surprise by all of its features. The 3D feature is made in a way that you wouldn’t really think of. Instead of popping out into your face uncomfortably, the 3D goes inward into the screen that actually makes it more appealing and brings that feel that you’re in the game more to life than before. When Nintendo makes portable consoles, they intend people to use them little by little at a time to your free time and convenience outside of your home. They were probably thinking the same thing when installing the 3D feature to the 3DS. The 3D can strain someone’s eyes when used a lot at a time, but if you can monitor your time on it, you’ll be just fine. Also, while the packaging says kids under 7 should not play this system, you don’t need to feel terrified if they just glance at the screen of someone like their sibling playing it. In the end to the 3D feature, a really good idea, but should be balanced to a person’s convenience. By the way, you can turn off the 3D effect if you want to…


4 Responses

  1. LindaB

    WOW, CHAR!!!! YOU CAN WRITE, GIRL!!!! That was excellent! I loved the way you explained things so thoroughly! You even included some things people might be wondering about——like if it really would harm younger kids if they played it, or as you said, “glanced at it” while a sibling is playing it. You’re such a good reviewer of their products, Nintendo should hire you!

    I am sort of addicted to the PS-2 right now. My granddaughter bought it, but I find it lying around (she’s too ADHD to play it very long), so I picked it up and love to play Mah Jong on it! But I find I can spend WAY too much time playing that silly game! But you got me thinking…..maybe I’d like a 3DS even better! But maybe I’d be even more addicted and couldn’t put that thing down! Do you have any advice on how to limit my time on those amazing little game machines so that dinner is on the table on time?

    Once again, you did a great job, Char!!! Thanks!

  2. LindaB

    Okay, Alanna just informed me that I play Mah Jong on her DSXL. And she’s excited about the new 3DS! I may have to get her one for Christmas.

  3. jd2008


    That was great! You never cease to amaze me. No joke. :)
    You should start your own blog!

    I miss you!

    By the way- The first sentence made me laugh out loud.

  4. tori

    Jess- Seriously, how great is this?!

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