Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Flowers Edition

7 Responses

  1. jonny

    And they smell good, too !! = )

  2. MostlySunny

    Gorgeous! Happy Birthday to you!

    Happy 40 ;) !!!

  3. LindaB

    “Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made, and forgot to put a soul into.” ~Henry Beecher

  4. rachelbaker

    Surely these weren’t all from Nintendo?!

  5. Barbara M. Lloyd

    Happy Birthday, sweet Tori….and you grow sweeter every year. I love you, sweetheart.

  6. belinda

    Love all the flowers. They just make a place so cheerful.
    Glad you had a great birthday.

  7. tori

    Thank you, dearest Momma Lloyd– I love you right back!

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