Sarah Updates

Yeah, she’s a fighter, that one.

Comes from good stock.

**From my sister:

(More later.)

8 Responses

  1. Vicki

    Still praying!

  2. auburn60

    You go, Sarah!

    We got this, Liz. We got your back.To quote a very wise woman ‘ You have not because you ask not’…well…we’re asking. And asking pretty much around the clock on our knees. As one who has seen God do wondrous things, I look forward to His blessings for Sarah.

  3. LindaB

    Dear Liz, we are earnestly praying for you all. And thank you for letting us know what specific things you need us to petition God for. We pray that Sarah’s hearing will not be diminished at all. We ask God to guide the surgeon’s hands and that they never even touch one facial nerve and her beautiful face will be like before the surgery. And help them to get every bit of that tumor, let the tumor be benign, and make radiation not needed. Let the surgeons know in their hearts that God was in that operating room Monday with them. And let all who know this family marvel that their God has answered their prayers once more…..and give Him praise and glory.

  4. Barbara M. Lloyd

    For some reason, my little man wouldn’t read what was written this time, but from reading Linda’s post, which I cried while reading, I believe Liz wants us to pray specifically for our precious Sarah’s hearing and facial nerves….which I will certainly be doing.

    After reading Sarah’s post on FaceBook, I couldn’t help but see what a beautiful inspiration she is to her family and friends….and to all of us who have come to be inspired, too. Our Lord must truly smile when He looks down on Sarah….and He has her resting in His big old arms right now, getting ready to give her that miracle….our kind and merciful God.

  5. MostlySunny



    PRAISING…in all things!

  6. LindaB

    Tori, is the surgery today?

  7. JanetB

    Praying…fervently…without ceasing…

  8. BrownEyedGirl

    I’m praying..


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