Miscellaneous Monday

Good morning, class.

I appreciate your patience with my wildly irregular posting these days. And by ‘these days,’ I mean the entire last year since I have moved to Bell Buckle.

To tell you the truth, I have given occasional serious thought to shuttering the doors of Babybloomr for good, only because when I don’t post regularly, I feel really bad about it. Yes, yes, I know that kind of guilt is not rooted in any kind of reality, and that the intrawebs and world at large are not putting their lives on hold and breathlessly awaiting my next little scrap of brilliance or declaring a National Day of Mourning when I don’t post,  but before you get up on your hind legs and start yelling, “Narcissist!” at me, let me explain my blog-guilt by reminding you that I was raised by a couple of those Greatest Generation-type parents whose word was their bond, etc., so I have been embedded with a somewhat overactive sense of responsibility and duty and whatnot. I’m not saying I always act on it, I just have enough of it rolling around in my head to make me feel shiftless and no ‘count when I shirk. (Side note: “Shirk” is one of those words that just all of sudden sounds completely ridiculous when you say it out loud. Try it– shirk shirk shirk. See? Weird. But I digress.) (Also, if the second sentence in this paragraph doesn’t qualify me for some kind of “Longest Run-On Sentence of 2014″ award, there is no justice in the world.)

Anyway. One of the rules of blogging is that regular posting is the key to building and keeping your readership, and though I have blown THAT rule all to hell and back this year, I have decided to cut myself some slack and A) not worry so much about what I’m not doing “right” and B) reconnect with my beloved ‘Bloomr Nation one post at a time, whenever and however they decide to spring forth from my ever-fertile brain. And also, C) JUST POST MORE OFTEN, Tori, sheesh.

Are we on the same page here? Your thoughts?

Meanwhile, back at today’s post. Here’s what I felt like sharing today: (“Sharing?” Really? I’m a small group leader all of a sudden?)

I’m thinking images… (also known as pictures.) A veritable potpourri, if you will, of miscellaneous things to look at for no good reason that will somehow manage not to fall under the heading of Time-Suck Tuesday material, because that’s like, a whole different thing. Kinda.

Ya with me? Here we go!

**Vintage photo of the Bell Buckle train depot

1bell buckle depot


**Charlotte is that small figure on the left. She is climbing a waterfall. (I wasn’t there, otherwise this photo would also feature a middle-aged woman dangling precariously from a tree branch desperately trying to ‘spot’ Charlotte.)


**Russ and Bill attempting a selfie. I love this about 30 different ways.


**Madi Rose’s summer job– she gives tours at the historic Sam Davis House Museum. She has wanted to do this since she was 9 and toured the Hermitage for the first time. I had to explain that they didn’t usually hire 9 year old docents. Took a few years, but she finally gets to wear a hoop skirt to work.

1costume madi


**Speaking of jobs– I love doing Homecoming Radio.



** And finally, here are some gorgeous pictures with an interesting back-story (courtesy of Viralworld):

“Kirsty Mitchell is photographer from Kent, England who creates dream-worthy images that are imaginative and elaborately staged with costumes, make-up, and special effects. After losing her mother to breast cancer, photography became a coping mechanism to make sense of her loss.

She writes in her biography page about the role in photography in her life: “Photography became my only escape when I could no longer talk about how I felt. It became an utter fantasy that blocked out the real world, and a place where I could return to my memories of her, far away from those hospitals walls.”

Mitchell has a background in fashion, costume design and photography which shines through in the photographs – they’re all beautifully detailed and intricate.”


Beautiful, right?


Time-Suck Tuesday RETURNS!

Well friends, as you probably know, an untimely case of labrynthitis, (also known as Death-By-Vertigo) struck without warning a couple of weeks ago and it totally, as my beloved Maggi Vaughn would say, “Laid me OUT, honey!” But, ever the plucky heroine, I rallied (yes, it took me about two weeks, what’s your point?) and here I am, ready to entertain you once again. You’re welcome.

Let’s begin with a few gospel album covers, shall we?

I like to imagine that these precious ladies are pictured in the very act of interceding for me in my recent state of rapid-room-spinning-itis. They are very earnest about it. In fact, I’m thinking these two are probably VERY CLOSE to what my actual guardian angels look like– I specifically requested ones that could play the accordion. And the righteous chapeaus (I’m guessing they’re hiding Vestal beehives…)  they happen to be rockin’ are just gravy, because God knows me so well.


As long as we’re featuring singers with unpronounceable Scandinavian-looking names and a flair for fashion, let’s not forget these guys. I’m particularly fond of the rugged individualist in the middle– not only did he turn up his nose at the “White belts only, please” wardrobe rule, he also decided to turn his mid-finger-snap pose into an oh-so-American thumbs-up. My kind of guy. He can totally date my accordion-playing guardian angel.


Hey, we’re  on a roll and I see a theme developing! Moving on… to VIKINGS!

I cannot even speculate as to the story behind this one, though I can only guess that someone is about to get shaved, what with that big-ass sword and mugs full of what can only be shaving cream. They also appear to be about to have a Thanksgiving meal featuring some kind of off-brand turkey that may or may not actually be a Shetland pony, judging by its size.

Quick lightning round question: Guess the gender of the person on the far right! The lack of horns on the helmet and vaguely circa-1972 gospel bobbed hairdo makes me suspect “girl”, but the ruggedly squared-off jawline suggests otherwise… At any rate, I think de-horning him/her just drew unnecessary attention to the whole situation and feels a little sexist. Whatever sex he/she is.

There can’t possibly be yet ANOTHER Viking-related gospel album cover out there, right? WRONG! Rounding out our collection, we have Eric, who has apparently been “Grafted In” to the family of God and is darn happy about it. I have no idea what the significance of the big stars are, unless he is a Dallas Cowboys fan, and I’m also not sure if that is his hat or a really untidy auburn Viking afro he’s sporting up there. It also looks like we interrupted his aria, BUT never fear, because Mr. Van Camp (no relation to the pork and beans dynasty, as far as we know) apparently has the magical ability to turn inanimate objects into backup singers– this album features the vocal stylings of a WALL! The “Liberated Wailing Wall,” to be exact. What does a singing wall even sound like, anyway? I’m guessing ‘chicken.’




This would be funny even if it wasn’t totally THE TRUTH.



Time for a quick fashion break:



I’ll leave you all with yet another reason to love Nashville– as if anybody needed one.

Tori Taff

I’m Tori, and I’m a late-blooming Baby Boomer. Read more!



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