Comments on: Miscellaneous Monday raising kids and eyebrows since 1992 Thu, 04 Aug 2016 15:36:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: SusieIsNana Thu, 12 Jun 2014 03:21:20 +0000 Oh, Tori, you ARE a trip!! (Not saying where to…) I love reading your posts. You have such a goofy, zany (same thing?), somewhere-out-there personality & writing style, it’s impossible to NOT smile my way thru the whole thing. Keep on keepin’ on…I’m pretty sure there’s an old cheer in that one!!! Love ya & will def miss you this wknd but one of these days I’m gonna show up in your Bell Buckle to see The Queen!

By: LindaB Thu, 12 Jun 2014 01:54:53 +0000 Tori, just delete the guilt and write when you can and we’ll be happy.

Shirk. Shirk. Shirk. Sounds like a cordless hand held vacuum cleaner.

How is your back and your vertigo?

Love Madi’s new “look”! She looks so pretty and antebellum! And I learned a new word—–“docent”! I would have guessed that it’s something deer hunters use to attract bucks, but I would have been wrong. I looked it up. Your blog is so educational.

Welcome Monica! Glad you joined us! You’re gonna need a box of tissues handy as you read through Tori’s blog——she’ll have you laughing out loud one minute and sobbing the next! You’re gonna love her!

By: tori Tue, 10 Jun 2014 15:45:36 +0000 Well, FIDDLE DEE DEE! (That’s a reference to Madi’s outfit– I’m going for a theme here– see how I did that?)

OK you guys, I SWEAR when I mused out loud about my bloggy guilt issues I wasn’t doing one of those things that people do on Facebook/Twitter/etc. where they make a dramatic sweeping announcement like, “I have had it! Nobody cares about me, so I am leaving Facebook/Twitter/etc. FOREVER! Don’t try to stop me!” –and then they lurk around for hours waiting for people to say, “No, please, don’t leave, we love you…” before they allow themselves to be graciously persuaded to stay… I can’t imagine EVER not being part of this wackadoodle community we formed here– but honestly, sometimes I feel like I’m doing such a half-assed job of it lately that I’m kind of letting you guys down. (Delusions of Grandeur, party of one!)

Anyway. Forget I mentioned it. Let’s just leave it at this:

By: Gramma Jac Tue, 10 Jun 2014 13:25:40 +0000 Auburn60–you added “snarky” to the word list–right up there with shirk!!

Ladymon, we welcome you to the Bloomr Nation. We, the faithful citizens, love our queen and don’t mind if she posts less often as long as we know she’s OK. When she blogs, there is great rejoicing in the land!

Maybe the hoop skirt could become our national dress,…naw, I much prefer my jeans!

Love you all!!! Tori, don’t you EVER shut down or,…. well, I don’t know “or what”,…but it would be BAD! LOL!

By: ladymon Tue, 10 Jun 2014 12:18:00 +0000 Here’s a different perspective to try on…. I “discovered” you last Sunday after doing a Sunday-morning-coffee-while-everyone-else-is-asleep google search on the term “midlife epiphany”. I decided that’s what I’ve been in the middle of. Not a crisis. It took me to a blog which referenced the blogs she read regularly. I had no idea this whole world was out there!!!!

Anyway, I started clicking on them and checking them out. Then I found someone who shared a brain with me. Those old gospel album covers accompanied by such deliciously snarky commentary had me singing the Hallellujiah (sp?) chorus. I found a kindred spirit!!!

Tori, I’ve been working my way through your archives! I’m up to March 2010. This is the most fun I’ve had in a loooong time! That whole post about the inner tube around the tummy that seems like a reverse fanny pack but there’s no zipper – OMIGOD!! I had tears streaming down my face.

Laughing is clearly good for the soul and my family has noted my elevated mood all week.

So time between your current posts gives us newbies a fighting chance to keep up!

Thanks for sharing your gift!


By: DonnaMariePatterson Tue, 10 Jun 2014 03:22:01 +0000 Well, shoot! I guess if you have to carry around all that guilt for not blogging enough and keeping us entertained, then I’m gonna have to feel all guilty when I don’t immediately comment on all of your blogs which, in turn, inspires you to transcend to comedic levels of writing that can’t help but to tickle my funny bone until I’m snorting welllllll (trying to think of more words to make this sentence longer than your’s)

Anyway…….thanks for not shuttering the doors …..for sharing your life ….. making me laugh ….. and giving of YOUR TIME to us out here in Babybloomr Land!!!! Yay for Madi! So proud of her! Kirsty Mitchell – I was mesmerized and in awe of where her pain led her.

By: bettyrwoodward Mon, 09 Jun 2014 19:51:14 +0000 Please, please, please don’t stop blogging. Just do it when you can.
Love the waterfall picture.
As Rachel says it’s great that Madi is living her dream. Our Hannah also 9 wants to be a Disney princess I wonder if she will make it as well!

By: auburn60 Mon, 09 Jun 2014 19:39:42 +0000 OK, first: just post whenever you can and we’ll still be here waiting to be edified. (Edified. That “small group leader” thing is catching). As they tell latecomers at my in-laws church: “If you can’t get here on time just come when you can.” Said in kind of a snarky tone. So really, kind of rude.

Second: I’ve given serious thought to just showing up at Sam Davis one day this summer and hanging back in a tour group to see if Madi notices. Think that would be fun? And should I be crocheting a snood for her?

Third: Where else can you find a blog with words like “shirk”, “snood”, “edify”, “docent”, and ‘time-suck”? I rest my case. Whatever point I was trying to make.

By: babygirl Mon, 09 Jun 2014 19:34:49 +0000 I adore all of these photos, and this may just be one of my favorite blog posts. Thank you for always making me smile out loud.

By: rachelbaker Mon, 09 Jun 2014 19:25:16 +0000 Oh, and 5. ”Shirk’ is a great word … have you ever watched British comedy programme ‘Miranda’ – she’d like that word!

By: rachelbaker Mon, 09 Jun 2014 19:23:26 +0000 1. I would never yell ‘narcissist’ because I genuinely am breathlessly awaiting a new scrap of brilliance from you.
2. If you dare ever shutter the doors of babybloomr for good the mourning would be beyond your imagination, and forgiveness would be slow in coming.
3. I LOVE that Madi is living her dream, we should all try that sometimes.
4. Hello!!! I’ve missed you,
