Comments on: “Dear 18 year-old Tori…” raising kids and eyebrows since 1992 Thu, 04 Aug 2016 15:36:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: tori Wed, 23 Feb 2011 18:18:40 +0000 bettyrwoodward: I loved this– wouldn’t life had been easier if our 18 year old selves would have truly understood that it really DOES all work out for the best?!

LindaB: I know, I feel like I am getting a tiny window into what made all of us what we are today, for better and for worse… It’s fascinating.

MostlySunny: Oh, this was SO poignant, and so full of wisdom! ($500? Really? Dang.)

rockin robyn: I don’t think we ever love a guy as completely, head over heels, all-the-way-down-to-our-toenails as we do when we were 18… THANK GOD! I don’t ever want to lose myself to another person like I did then, but the intensity of that first big love never really leaves us, does it?

Barb, Betty, Linda: Don’t you just LOVE these?!

small j: Speaking on behalf of the ‘Bloomr Nation– we’re all real glad you didn’t give up and we all believe you can do it, too! (Whatever “it” you want!) And also? I have no idea if it is even remotely possible, but I don’t ever want to rule out a bloggy get-together when you are here in May!!

Gramma Jac: I bet my mouthy little 18 year old self and your mouthy little 18 year old self would have gotten along great!

sdavis: Yes… My 18 year old self thought life could only be beautiful if there WASN’T any pain– she was wrong.
(*this is Mrs. Taff reaching back through time to give your 18 year old self a big ol’ high five*)

heather e: WELCOME, girl! And yeah, you should do it again– do it here!

By: heather e Wed, 23 Feb 2011 05:12:20 +0000 oh i LOVED this. i did this once when i blogged back in the day– i should do it again. i was 18 not that long ago but MAN it feels eons ago. i would still do SO MUCH OVER again.

By: LindaB Wed, 23 Feb 2011 04:15:24 +0000 “PS. You’ll meet a girl named Tori who is married to Russ Taff! I am not joking!”

LOL I’m gonna tell my 18 year old the same thing, okay Susie? She’s gonna FREAK! And as it turns out, his wife is every bit as gifted as he is! And incredibly nice!

By: sdavis Wed, 23 Feb 2011 00:49:04 +0000 Dear 18 year old Susie,
1. You will not always be afraid.
2. God proves himself good. Always.
3. And your life will beautiful. Regardless of the pain.
Much love and peace.
Your older, wiser Susie

PS. You’ll meet a girl named Tori who is married to Russ Taff! I am not joking!

By: jonny Tue, 22 Feb 2011 18:36:58 +0000 lol ! You and me both, sister ! = )

By: Barbara M. Lloyd Tue, 22 Feb 2011 17:56:44 +0000 Jonny, I would absolutely love to come and meet you. I’d even give you a big ‘ole hug that I usually reserve for Russ Taff….but, dear one, when the Holy Spirit wrote “The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” He was thinking of me.

By: jonny Tue, 22 Feb 2011 06:58:10 +0000 Sorry, those were last year’s dates ! 12th through the 15th of May this year.

By: jonny Tue, 22 Feb 2011 06:38:01 +0000 Actually, the convention scedule for me in Cincinnati would be the 6th through the 9th of May, 2011. I may stay at a friend’s who lives close by the convemtion spot a day or so before that.


By: jonny Tue, 22 Feb 2011 06:19:27 +0000 Oh, and I may be in Cincinnati in next month, or April. Maybe a little gathering of moms could be in order before that. I’ll share the dates when I have them, if there is interest.

By: Gramma Jac Tue, 22 Feb 2011 05:42:13 +0000 Dear 18-Year-Old Jackie,

1. Stay close to Jesus!! When you do, decisions are easier (and wiser) and you stay more centered,…so seek His guidance!

2. You already have some pretty strong, thought-out opinions on some pretty important topics. Your family says things like “You’ll see things differently when you’re older” or “You’ll change your mind.” Guess what,…you never DO change your mind!! So STOP worrying quite so much about their opinion of your beliefs,…just love your family and keep your priorities!

3. Thirty + years from now, you’re still busy all the time, very involved with family/work/volunteering, still not sleeping much–take a little more time for yourself, watch your weight and your health! Make more time for relaxing FUN!

P.S. Don’t worry about not driving yet,…you WILL drive and you’ll end up being chauffeur to EVERYONE!!

And to everyone, this was a GREAT exercise wasn’t it?! I think we all turned out pretty good! jonny, I’m not sure I WANT to think what 18-year old Jackie would say to me now,….she was a mouthy little thing!! :-)

By: jonny Tue, 22 Feb 2011 02:36:46 +0000 @kidpyramid: I’ve often had a weakness/fondness for red-heads; freckles or not, short or tall = / For what it’s worth, of course.

@Vicki: Duane rocks !

@Momma Lloyd: bring it on !! = )

By: jonny Tue, 22 Feb 2011 02:03:24 +0000 Well, I’m afraid what my recently turned 29 y/o self would tell my 18 y/o self is still being worked out, and a little to personal to post on a public forum like this at the moment. But, here are three things my 18 y/o would probably say to my just turned 29 y/o self…

1) See, there was life after twenty-five !

2) Thanks for not giving up.

3) I knew you could do it !

Thanks everyone for being braver than me and posting/sharing what you have = )

By: LindaB Mon, 21 Feb 2011 21:36:59 +0000 I was just thinkin’ the same thing, Barb!!! What a sweet group! Including that pretty young cheerleader!

By: bettyrwoodward Mon, 21 Feb 2011 20:00:21 +0000 We love you too Momma Lloyd and would just love to meet you. The chicken ‘n dumplins sound good as well.

By: Barbara M. Lloyd Mon, 21 Feb 2011 16:49:16 +0000 Oh my goodness, I just love everybody. Just want to bring y’all home with me and make chicken ‘n dumplins and sit around and talk. I liked you at 18…..but I like you even more all these years later. God really knows how to ripen the fruit.

By: rockin robyn Mon, 21 Feb 2011 03:11:30 +0000 Wow Tori! You should listen to Brad Paisley’s song “Letter to Me”… Your letter to you is awesome and I know you are passing that strength down to both of your daugthers…

To 18 year old Robyn:

1.) Don’t feel so “un-cool” that you are so reserved and shy – turns out years later your mature faith will teach you that God gave you that as a gift and it keeps you out of alot of trouble and worries.

2.) You have to learn in your own time but that radio d.j. that you are now so smitten over… even after being in and out of your life for many years later — you will wake up and except the fact that he is no good for you. Be patient though because 30 years later you are still wondering why no other guy can compare to how much you thought you loved him. So far, what I can see is he is the one that filled your heart with the love for music and later in life you will combine that love with your faith.

3.) I have good news: don’t worry about being so stubborned and not wanting to get into any other employment but in the professional business world, without having any college education…. the job you finally get will be your education, your work experience and your teacher of the business world for the next thirty years with many promotions.

…You’re not without flaws my dear but you know what kiddo, you got a good heart and you will make me proud to be me when your this age of Robyn 48!

By: MostlySunny Mon, 21 Feb 2011 00:32:52 +0000 To my 18 years old self:

1. Your parents really do love you; they just don’t know how to say it or show it; some of their models in life weren’t so great at it, either. But you know, this is one of those things that is going to make you strong. It’s also going to make you a pretty darn good mother because your 2 boys (YES, 2 darling boys) will never have a day in their life when they won’t know – by words, hugs, or kisses – that they aren’t loved, loved, loved just because God gave them to you!

2. That blonde football player you’re so head-over-heels over — leave him in the dust, girl. Don’t waste any more time on him! He’s not a “lifer” with you. And that “what-I-want-in-a-husband” list you now have (after dumping said blonde football player) — toss it! God has the PERFECT man for you…you just wait (and the wait will seem like forever, but it really will be WORTH IT). God’s list is sooooo much better. Stuff you don’t even think you even like in a man right now…you’ll be so thankful!

3. You’ll be out on your own in just a few months – there’s no other way and you have no other choice (and no money). This, too, will make you strong. And God will bring people along the way to help you out just when you think you’re going under (He has a way of doing that). And when you get older, you’ll be the one looking out for those younger ones who have that “look” on their face wondering how they will survive. You’ll understand perfectly and know exactly what to do.

4. Oh, and that 1964 red convertible Mustang you bought for $500.000…KEEP IT!!! It will be worth a gold mine one day… (DANG!)

Your life will be so good…from your 57-year-old (since yesterday) self…

By: LindaB Mon, 21 Feb 2011 00:23:18 +0000 Betty, we’d all have been able to breathe easier and enjoyed living more if we didn’t have that worry that we’d never find someone who loved us enough to marry us, wouldn’t we?

This was a neat question, Tori! I’ve learned so much more about the folks who answered this “what would you tell your 18 year old self” question. I hope more of you readers will join in!

By: bettyrwoodward Sun, 20 Feb 2011 17:34:29 +0000 Where can I start? Tori thanks for doing this its really made me think.
Rachel we always knew you were special and the way you coped with your illness was amazing and God used that really hard time in ways we couldn’t imagine.
As for me at 18, that was a long time ago and I wasn’t a rebel or anything like that then (that came later). So what would I say to myself.
Dear Betty,
1. Yes nursing is the way God wants you too go and it does work out well.
2. It doesn’t matter that you don’t have a boyfriend. God has the right special person for so don’t worry about it. God knows better than you do! Just trust him as you do now and let Him lead in all areas of your life.
3. You do end up with the two wonderful children, David and Rachel, that you want.

By: tori Sun, 20 Feb 2011 15:17:58 +0000 babygirl: Thanks. We all still do have that 18 yr old inside, don’t we?

cheryl: Yeah, we all need them from time to time…

rachelbaker: I love this. I hate that your ill health overshadowed so much of those early years, but thank God you are now ‘healthy, normal and active!’ (I never was/still am not a very high energy person, either. Well, my mouth maybe, but not the rest of me!)

sarah: Oh, honey. That first one ESPECIALLY should be on my list every day!

LindaB: I know most people who only know you from here would laugh out loud at the thought of you as “shy”– but I totally understand what you are talking about. Sometimes it takes years for the crazy extrovert living inside us to break through… Thank God for writing– it gives that inside person a chance to shine!

kidpyramid: OK, your first one made me laugh out loud. (And I have longed for red hair all my life!)

auburn60: You can take as many as you want! I love this list– I can see your fabulous self shining through every lesson learned.

Vicki– “When you get older, being weird is normal”– ISN’T THAT THE DANG TRUTH?! And I agree– thank God for the internet.

gracelynn: This was beautifully expressed– and so full of hope. Bless you!

babygirl: “Time heals…”–THANKFULLY, yes indeed!

small j: Admit it– for me to be anything other than blonde would just be so fundamentally WRONG that it could have worldwide ramifications. Not to overstate the case or anything.

Momma Lloyd: Learning not to be such a people-pleaser is a lesson MY 18 yr old self sure could have used as well! (And Russ said to tell you he had a lady in his church just like your aunt when he was little– scared him to death!)


By: Barbara M. Lloyd Sun, 20 Feb 2011 06:25:39 +0000 Oh my, I have both smiled and shed tears, reading all of the beautiful words of long-ago 18-year olds. It’s hard to know where to begin…I must travel a long way back in time.

My dear 18-year-old Barbara,

Life would be so much easier for you if you would stop trying so hard to please everyone….and if you didn’t believe it was your responsibility to try and make everything right that was wrong in the lives of people you loved. I remember, several years later, that poster you taped on the inside door of a kitchen cabinet: “If it pleases you to please God, then you can do as you please.” If only you had learned that much earlier in life.

And weren’t you silly, worrying that the Lord would return before you had a chance to be married and have children? But that was because of an elderly aunt who kept telling you this could happen any day. I just hated to go and visit her but my mother would tell me I had to go because she was so lonely. I used to feel I should wear a raincoat because she soaked my shoulders with her tears. It’s a tough way to learn how not to be fanatical.

Then, Barbara, remember everything you can about your grandparents, your parents, your neighbors and friends because they will have influenced you in so many ways and given you so many memories that will forever guide you along the path of life. I’m thankful you wrote letters to many of them and to a couple of teachers later on….telling them how important they were in your growing up.

You have been blessed….even though there have been tough times as well as lovely times….because you were born into a Christian home. At 18, you sometimes thought your dad was a bit too strict….but it was impossible to argue with a man who lived as he talked, seven days a week. And, besides, it is amazing now to look back and realize that, at 18, you really didn’t know half what you thought you knew.

By: jonny Sun, 20 Feb 2011 05:19:20 +0000 “(…you end up staying blonde forever.) In fact, it ’ s not only OK, it ’ s kind of vital.”

I can see that.

By: Tweets that mention » “Dear 18 year-old Tori…” | babybloomr -- Sun, 20 Feb 2011 04:17:25 +0000 […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Carole Turner, JennaFarelyn and Tori Taff, Tori Taff. Tori Taff said: Come on, jump on the internet meme bandwagon– I wanna hear yours! […]

By: babygirl Sun, 20 Feb 2011 03:45:37 +0000 To my 18 year old inner child,

There are things you wouldn’t have wanted to know were ahead of you; you thought after your Dad passed away when you were 11, that things could only improve. This was indeed the case, but not without lots of sorrow and loss in between. However, Time heals and when you turn 26, you will meet The Love of your life — your soulmate. It will make everything that came before of no more importance. You are tough and you come out of this not only alive, but abundantly alive.
Laugh often, love much!

By: gracelynn Sun, 20 Feb 2011 02:05:41 +0000 That was awesome Tori. To my 18 year old self (approximately 18 years ago now):

1) The pain that you have experienced in the past will eventually heal and the scar that is left will only serve to remind you how to help others who are going through this same battle and of how merciful God truly is. God will send you others who have been down this same road and you will find that you are not alone – others have been there and made it too and can help you heal from the hurt. Don’t be afraid to reach out and share with others – you might be surprised to find they’ve been down that same path.

2) Quit trying to live in the future – live for today. No one is promised the next breath and worrying about what is to come is only going to cause more problems than its worth. Take it one day at a time and trust God when the times get tough – and they will. They’ll be issues with finances, health, loss of loved ones and more. And when it feels like the entire world has collapsed on top of you, look up and find the One who will lift you out of the mire and put you back on solid ground. Oh and keep praying for your dad – one day your prayers are going to be answered and he’ll walk back into church again. Just hang on!

3) No matter how lonely you may feel, you are never alone. You will find friends who will become more than friends to you as you walk through the various puzzles life throws at you. God will send you brothers and sisters through Him who will show you a love that only comes from a bond through Jesus’ blood. Those people you used to think were friends when you were younger will come and go. When times get really tough, look around and see who is there – then thank God for the ones that He sends to help you through the battle. And no matter what happens, never hesitate to tell your family and friends ‘I love you’ – you may never have the chance to say it again this side of heaven.

By: Vicki Sun, 20 Feb 2011 00:40:39 +0000 To my 18 yr old self:

1 You are ok, a little weird, but ok. When you get older, being wierd is – normal.
2 You may be lonely now, it seems, but later on you’ll find friends on the internet where it doesnt matter youre handicapped.
3 Oh, and Vicki? As much as you loved Kevin, and it hurt when he died of cancer? And then the other bad relationships? TRUST ME! Those aren’t love. Wait til you meet Duane….not only does he love you and take care of you… he leads you to an even greater love… The love of God!

By: auburn60 Sun, 20 Feb 2011 00:23:15 +0000 To my 18 y.o. self I would say:

1. Some day you’ll know, REALLY KNOW, that you are OK. You were never really the problem.

2. Slow down and really savor the people who love you. They will not always be there. Most of them don’t share DNA with you so you won’t be assured of having a lot of time with them. You move away. Go to the trouble of keeping in touch. Tell them how they affected your life. Stop and breathe in those moments where you are surrounded by love so strong you could swim in it, breathe it all the way to your brain and don’t exhale. You’ll pull those moments out of your memory banks A LOT in the future. Don’t worry about looking ‘uncool’ You have a lot of ‘uncool’ days ahead of you. Get used to it.

3. ‘Funny’ is good. Hurtful is not. You know. Nuff said.

4. Calm down. You DO find something you’re good at.

Sorry…I tried for 3 but it had to be 4.

By: kidpyramid Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:47:43 +0000 Dear 18-year-old Kathleen,

You have the rest of your life to have sex with the one wonderful man God has intended for you. So take a cold shower and be patient.

There are things you cannot imagine living through, or wanting to. But you will and you’ll be stronger and even happier for them.

You are created in God’s image and worth the life of His son. Stop putting others above yourself because you don’t think you measure up. You are a beautiful woman and you will come to love your red hair and freckles and lack of height.

By: LindaB Sat, 19 Feb 2011 23:04:30 +0000 To the eighteen year old me:
1. Don’t be so dang shy! Speak up! If you’ve got something to say, weird or twisted as it may sound, just say it. Don’t wait until you’re 60 to speak your mind. People will still like you——–the ones who really matter, that is. And stop trying to be like your friends that you think are perfect——they are not. Be yourself.

2. Take more time to really talk to your dad……he won’t be around as long as you think he will. Ask him about his life before he was your dad. Tell him how much you love and admire him. Help him in his garden more and spend less time watching Annette and Frankie movies…and daydreaming! They won’t matter to you later on. But your heart will ache to talk to your Dad just one more time.

3. Don’t worry, Girl——-the nights wearing big prickly hair rollers will soon be a thing of the past! Yeah Baby! No more tortureous sleepless nights wearing those awful things—–some one is going to invent a curling iron and hot rollers!!! Bless them forever! But stay up on that hair teasing thing ’cause someday when you’re old and have thinning hair, it will come in handy. And take a good look at your waist—–you’re not going to see it ever again in a few short years. Take a picture.

(And OMG, Tori…….love that picture of you in the cheerleading outfit! Char is your smitten image…..only with darker hair!!)

By: sarah Sat, 19 Feb 2011 21:29:27 +0000 My Big 3:
1: Choose carfully the hills you will die on….they are not all worth it.
2: Never burn your bridges behind you….often you will have to recross them in life.
3: Be trustworthy….not glamourous but way worth it!

By: rachelbaker Sat, 19 Feb 2011 21:00:57 +0000 Well, I was eighteen 14 years ago and these are probably the top three I can come out with at the moment (there is another that comes a close 4th though). I imagine in another 14 yrs the list might be quite different.

1) There WILL be a day when you feel well. Its going to be a while yet, and your experience of University is not going to be what you hope because of it, but hey, you’re used to that by now and its not necessarily a bad thing . You’re going to be protected from a lot of rubbish, and many of the so-called ‘life-defining moments’ that you’ll miss out on will only turn into hazy, haunting regrets for your peers. You’re also going to learn a huge amount about yourself and about God through being ill, especially things about your own worth that you should probably have figured out by now. There IS a light at the end of the tunnel though, and you will be healthy and live a normal, active life. (You’re going to have to accept that you’re never going to be the most energetic person around – but then again, you never were).

2) Like people, love people, admire people, learn from people and trust people. Do not however, idolise or worship people, only God is worthy of that, and only He will never let you down. People are going to hurt you, heroes will fall, but you need to forgive, think about the good things and carry on loving and trusting, even when its scary.

3) Trust your instincts. You know more than most people think you do, and more than even you think you do. Those who think you are naïve don’t actually know you very well. Your quiet stubborn streak will serve you well.

By: Cheryl Sat, 19 Feb 2011 20:15:27 +0000 This was really really good! “Big girl panties” — can soooo relate! ?

By: babygirl Sat, 19 Feb 2011 20:13:12 +0000 That was awesomely put!
Thank you– I can totally relate to this <3
