Comments on: Younger than springtime raising kids and eyebrows since 1992 Thu, 04 Aug 2016 15:36:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: LindaB Fri, 02 May 2008 06:00:08 +0000 That is a sweet sweet baby there!!!! I love babies!

By: belinda Thu, 01 May 2008 01:29:34 +0000 This just happened and I have to share it with you ladies. Troy and I were on our nightly wal-mart run and we were standing in line waiting to check out. I kept looking at the lady in front of us, knowing I knew her from somewhere. After she finished checking out she turned to us and said “It is about time you two start showing your age like me. I have watched you two all around town for years and you both look just as young as you did the first time I saw you.” Talk about a compliment I wanted to go around and hug that dear woman. So Troy ask her how old she thought he was and she said mid to late 30’s. Troy is 51 and she turned to me and said you are a lot younger than him. I really wanted to hug her at that point. So I guess all of those 10 million anti aging creams are working? I walked out of there with a strut :) Going to get put my nightly creams on :)

By: LindaB Thu, 01 May 2008 00:02:10 +0000 That’s funny you should mention age and aging—–I was just watching Cher on Entertainment Tonight, and I can’t believe she’s two years OLDER than I am!!! TWO YEARS! And Lord knows, she looks a heck of lot younger than I do! She was singing “If I Could Turn Back Time”!!!! LOL She sure has managed to turn back time where her body is concerned! She told a little about her exercise regiment and whew! There’s just no way!!! I don’t do “running” anymore—-except maybe to the bathroom!

Then I gotta think, what’s the sense in getting down to the last few years of your life and spending hours of it exercising to extend your life a few more years so you can exercise even more…….unless, of course you really get a thrill out of perspiring, struggling for breath, and getting a “thigh” rash on the treadmill. And I worry about using the treadmill while I’m here alone! What if I had a heart attack while I’m on it and there’s no one here to call 911? And can you imagine collapsing on the treadmill and the moving track throws you across the room? My family would get home and start looking for me, and find me across the room far away from the treadmill, and not know how I died!!! They’d be saying stuff like, “If she had just used that treadmill over there a little more, she’d be alive today!”

Okay, what were we talking about? Oh yeah, Tori is fifty, looks like 30, and has the energy of a 2 year old! And she’s so nice! I remember the one time I met you, Tori, and when you bounced into the room, all I could think of was Tigger!!! You’re the personification of Tigger! I think you’d be the “youngest” one in the room about anywhere you went—–even a meeting of the mom’s in your school! I was a grandmother raising our granddaughter throughout her school years. As I sat there at her basketball games with all those young mothers, I knew what they were thinking——-“I hope our kids win this one,” and “Where can we go afterward to celebrate?” While I was thinking, “I hope my joints don’t freeze up and I can’t get down off these bleachers”! And, “If I have to pee, how fast can I descend these bleachers without hurting anyone”? But I had fun!

Age is just numbers, really! One of the youngest people I know is MommaLloyd! She just tries to disguise her age with that beautiful white hair, but I am not fooled!

By: belinda Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:51:32 +0000 I remember when I first started working oh so many years ago, I was always the youngest person at the office. Well tables have turned a lot and now I’m in the group who are the older ones and we have all of this young ones around the office. I have been in this business longer than some of them have been alive. Wow, that really makes me sound old.

I have never had a problem with age until my 40th birthday and that was a tough day, after I got over it, no problems. I have not hit that 50 mark yet, but it is creeping up on me faster than I would like for it to. We are still young at heart and I think that makes all the difference in the world. If you act younger, you feel and look younger?

That is a sweet picture and I agree with the others, Tori you look great.

By: tori Tue, 29 Apr 2008 22:54:28 +0000 I want to marry all of you.

By: gracelynn Tue, 29 Apr 2008 22:48:27 +0000 Well I’ve always given people the impression that I am older than I truly am. Guess it was because of my childhood and having grown up practically alone. Even at 12 years old, people thought I was at least 15 or more. LOL And my poor godchild is going through the same thing, bless her heart. She is so much like me – I always wanted to sit with the adults rather than run around with kids my age. Jordan is just like that too. It doesn’t help when you teach and the kids ask you how old you are, you tell them the truth, and they don’t believe you. ROTFLMBO They cannot believe I’m only about 20 years older than they are. Guess the “teacher” mentality is that we are all a bunch of old women with nothing better to do than try to force these poor, defenseless children actually learn something useful.

And themema, you are so right. Tori doesn’t look at day over 19 in that picture! They look so cute too. And she still looks so young and full of youthful energy is an understatement! Wish I had half the energy you do Tori!

By: themema Tue, 29 Apr 2008 20:43:33 +0000 How can one think they are not the baby when at her prom she looked 13, and as a new mother at 39, she looked 19! And now, at 39 plus 14 she is cute as a button with smooth, silky skin, long blond hair, slender, perky, vivacious, and a lot of other positive adjectives can describe her.

Wow, I bet there are few Mom’s in Madi Rose or Char’s class that LOOK AS GOOD AS YOU DO.

As for me, I have several friends who I constantly ask if my hair style and color is ok for my age, if my clothes are appropriate for my age, and if my make up look like it was put on by a blind person. And if I ever find they are not truthful with me, they will cease to be my friend.

By: Barbara M. Lloyd Tue, 29 Apr 2008 18:35:14 +0000 Oh, but I often look back longingly on those days raising our children. I absolutely have always loved being a mom….and those years are so precious.

The photo of the little Taff family is adorable.

By: Barbara M. Lloyd Tue, 29 Apr 2008 18:27:58 +0000 I remember that feeling. When Jimmie graduated from college and started working, it seemed we were always the young couple in the group….and it felt kinda good. It wasn’t until our third little one was born that I lost that younger-than-anyone-else feeling…and I kinda missed it, looking back now. Ages all seemed to mesh together in the thong of motherhood.

Now I am at a time in life when I find myself, as I look around so often, to be the oldest in the group. Truthfully, I much prefer the younger feeling. Even so, the Lord has blessed me with rather terrific younger-than-I friends, so the grass is still pretty green on this side of the fence.
